Nonpartisan Candidate Filing Deadline
Petitions must be filed by 5 p.m. — with the clerk of the political subdivision — to nominate political subdivision candidates — for the May 20 election.
Petitions must be filed by 5 p.m. — with the clerk of the political subdivision — to nominate political subdivision candidates — for the May 20 election.
Deadline for write-in candidates to file a declaration of intent with the clerk of the political subdivision for the May 20 election.
Last day nonpartisan candidates can withdraw from the May 20 election.
Petitions must be filed by 5 p.m. — with the clerk of the political subdivision — to nominate political subdivision candidates — for the Nov. 4 election.
Deadline for write-in candidates for city offices to file a declaration of intent with clerk of the political subdivision for the Nov. 4 election.
Deadline for write-in candidates to file a declaration of intent with clerk of the political subdivision for the Nov. 4 election.
Last day nonpartisan candidates can withdraw from the Nov. 4 election.