Registering To Vote
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Register to Vote
The first step to voting is to register. You can register for the first time, find out if you are already registered, or change your information using the tools below.
Register/Update Your Registration
You’ll need to register to vote or update your registration if you have not registered or if you have changed your name or address. You will need a current driver’s license or free identification card to use the online registration portal.
Check Your Voter Registration Status
Not sure if you are already registered or need to update your information? View your voter record.
Alternatives to Registering Online
What You Need to Register
To register to vote in person, you will need a current photo ID and proof of residence. Register to vote using your primary Idaho residence.
Photo ID:
- Idaho Driver’s License
- Idaho Identification Card
- Passport or Federal ID
- Tribal ID Card
- Concealed Weapons License issued by a county sheriff in Idaho

Proof of Residence:
- Above photo ID with the correct address
- Proof of insurance
- Mortgage, lease, or rental agreement
- Property tax assessment, bill
- Utility bill (no cell bills)
- Bank/credit card statement
- Paystub/paycheck
- Intake document to a care facility
- Enrollment letter from an Idaho high school or university
- Letter from a social service agency
Who Can Register to Vote in Idaho?
Requirements to register:
- Age 18 years or older
- United States Citizen
- Resident of Idaho for at least 30 days before the day of the election
- Individuals with a felony conviction may not register until the terms of their sentence have been completed.
When Should I Register/Update My Registration?
You will need to update your registration when you:
- Move
- Change your name
- Have not voted in the past four years
The process to update your registration is the same as registering for the first time. You can update your registration online, or by printing, filling out, and mailing the PDF version of the Voter Registration Form to your county clerk’s office.
Deadline to Register or Update Your Registration
Party Affiliation
When you register to vote, you can join a political party or remain unaffiliated. Your party choice can affect which primary election races you are eligible to vote in.
The State of Idaho has four registered political parties:
- Constitution Party
- Democratic Party
- Libertarian Party
- Republican Party
Change Your Party Affiliation
If You Are Currently Affiliated With A Party
The signed form is due to the county clerk before the 10th Friday preceding the primary election.
If You Are Currently Unaffiliated And Want To Affiliate
Unaffiliated voters can affiliate with a party on or before the primary Election Day. You can declare your party preference when checking in with a poll worker or submitting a party affiliation form to the county clerk.
Not Sure If You’re Affiliated With A Political Party? Check Your Voter Registration.
Registration Information for College Students
You can register and vote while attending college in Idaho or opt to maintain your registration status in your home state. You must be an Idaho resident to vote in Idaho elections.
Am I considered a resident?
The residence you consider to be your “home,” whether it be your college/university address or elsewhere, is the address you should use for voting. Be aware that changes to your declared residence may affect scholarships or stipends.
Out-of-State Student
You may only be registered to vote in one place. If you’ve lived in Idaho for at least 30 days, you may register to vote in Idaho using an accepted form of ID and proof of residence.
Registration for New United States Citizens
Congratulations on your new citizenship! Before registering to vote, you must apply for or update the records needed to verify your identity for registration.
Update or Create Your Record with the Social Security Administration
- Allow ten days after your naturalization ceremony before updating or creating your record with SSA. This will ensure your name is in the federal database.
- You can also register online at or complete and submit Form SS-5, the application for a Social Security Card.
- If your legal name has changed, ensure you have spelled it correctly on Form SS-5 and provide proof of your U.S. citizenship. You are required to present documents identifying you by your old and new names. This is extremely important to verify your citizenship status.
Apply for or Update Your ID card
Driver’s License, Free Identification Card, Or Federal Passport
New Application for ID
Updating Your ID
If you need to update your ID because you have changed your legal name, visit your local DMV. Bring your old driver’s license, or both your old ID card and your naturalization certificate reflecting your new name. (Polling places will use your driver’s license or ID to verify your voter registration).
Voter Registration Drives
Community organizations, political parties, groups and individuals can get involved by registering eligible Idahoans to vote. The easiest way is to register to vote here. We encourage groups to promote online registration by directing new registrants to on a digital device. You can download a registration QR code to use. Download the printable registration form here.