Casting Your Ballot
Once you’ve registered to vote, you’ll have several options for casting your ballot. Some options vary by county. Contact your county elections office for more information.
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New Feature!
For the first time, you can preview the races and questions that will appear on your ballot before you vote.
How to find your sample ballot:
- Click the button below to look up your voter information
- Scroll down to the “Sample Ballot” section
- View & download your sample ballot
Vote on Election Day
Vote Early
Many Idaho counties offer early voting, typically beginning two weeks before an upcoming election. Check with your county elections office for locations.
Accessible Voting for Voters with Disabilities
Every Idaho voter has the right to vote privately and independently. Visit the resource page with information on accessible voting.
Absentee Voting
To request an absentee ballot:
- Make sure voter registration requirements have been met.
- Complete the absentee ballot request form.
- Select which elections in the current year you’d like to receive an absentee ballot.
- For applications through the online request form, provide your state-issued ID and the last four digits of your social security number. We use your Idaho state-issued ID and the last four digits of your Social Security Number to match your absentee ballot request with your signed voter registration form. No scanning of your ID or Social Security Card is necessary.
Once your absentee ballot arrives:
- You will receive instructions, a secrecy sleeve, and a return envelope with the ballot.
- Follow the instructions carefully. Mark your ballot using a blue or black ink pen (avoid highlighters and markers like Sharpies!) and fill in the box or oval completely.
- Pay attention to ballot instructions and vote only for the appropriate number of candidates in each race.
- Remember to sign the outside of the return envelope. All signatures will be verified by elections staff.
- Add the required postage to the return envelope if mailing.

Military & Overseas Voting (UOCAVA)
If you are a United States citizen (civilian or military) currently living abroad and eligible to vote in Idaho, you may register and request a ballot using one of the following options:
Register & Request Online
- Register as a UOCAVA voter using our online registration process. You will need a current driver’s license or free identification card to use the online registration portal.
- Once registered, you can then request your absentee ballot online.
Federal Postcard Application
Complete the Federal Postcard Application and return it to your county elections office. The Federal Postcard Application will both register you to vote AND request your absentee ballot.
Learn more at the Federal Voting Assistance Program.
We encourage you to submit your application as early as possible.
Receive & Return Your Ballot
Depending on your preferences, your ballot may arrive by mail or via an email link.
- Download and print your ballot (if necessary)
- Complete and sign your ballot.
- Mail your ballot to your county elections office.
Important Mailing Information
Your ballot must arrive at your county elections office by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Mail your ballot as soon as possible in case of delays.
Download Your UOCAVA Ballot
UOCAVA Ballots are also available through the OmniBallot portal provided by Democracy Live. Launch the portal to download your ballot packet.
UOCAVA Dates & Deadlines
- UOCAVA new registrations deadline: postmark application 25 days before the election.
- Registered UOCAVA voters’ deadline: your request must arrive at your county elections office by 5:00 p.m. on the 11th day before the election.
- Return your completed ballot deadline: your ballot must arrive at your county elections office by 8 p.m. on Election Day.